Description and Charity Donations
Basil the brown bear has a dream; he wants to go Dizzyland, an amusement park that he has read about in the newspaper. Getting there will be difficult as getting out of the zoo will not be the easiest of things to do. What he needs is a disguise so that people do not recognise him as a bear but as a person.
An idea springs to mind one day when a hat is blown into his cage. All he needs are some other items and what comes along next is just what he needs. It is the facemask of a famous person. The only problem is that he has to cut the nose of the mask off; otherwise it will not fit over his big nose. All set, one day he borrows his keeper’s coat and makes his way out into the world beyond the zoo.
It is a strange place, made even more so by the fact that most of the people do not seem to understand his English which he has practised speaking for many years. And the fact that people keep recognising him as someone famous, but keep thinking that the nose is wrong. Some of them find his paws hairy but this does not stop him from searching for the magical Dizzyland.
This is the download version of Brown Bear’s Big Day Out available here as a pdf file. The story has a series of line drawings ideal to be coloured in. It can be read on a PC/MAC or tablet, or partially or fully printed.
The suggested age range is 4-8 years. For younger readers the books are meant to have a parent, family member or guardian read to them. The story is also available for the Kindle, tablets and as print on demand paperback from Amazon. Apart from this website’s download only the print on demand colouring book has the additional drawings at the end of the story.
Please let us know the charity of your choice when ordering by stating it in the Additional Information field provided. If you purchase a print on demand book or Kindle download from Amazon please use the Contact Us option on our Home Page to inform us of your choice. Any unallocated donations are split between the three charities that we have contracts with.
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