Where's Basil? Pasaje de los Derechos Humanos
Where's Basil - Notre Dame, Paris
Where's Basil - the Eiffel Tower, Paris
Where's Basil - With the Concrete Cows in Milton Keynes
Where's Basil? - Picking Apples in his Garden
Where's Basil - Visiting the Museum of Oxford
Where's Basil? - Visiting Jay's Jewellery Stall in Stony Stratford Market
Where's Basil? - Getting Ready for Take Off
Where's Basil? - Visiting Versailles near Paris
Where's Basil? - Resting on a bench in his garden
Where's Basil? - In the hat
Where's Basil? - Relaxing by the the waterfront at Morges on Lac Leman
Where's Basil? - In Vevey visiting the statue of The Last Romantic
Where's Basil? - He has just cycled to Stony Stratford
Where's Basil? - Basil is in Seoul
Where's Basil? - Basil visits the Museum of Belle Artes in Liege
Where's Basil? - Basil is resting in Hotel Nesle, Paris
Where's Basil? - Visiting the Eiffel Tower, Paris
Where's Basil? - relaxing at the Namsan Seoul Tower
Where's Basil? Buckinghamshire Railway Centre
Where's Basil? - Hyde Park, London, promoting his new book
Where's Basil? Basil tries out the skateboard in Hyde Park
Where's Basil? Basil Visits Hastings
Where's Basil? Basil Relaxes on Hastings Beach
Where's Basil? Pasaje de los Derechos Humanos
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