Men’s Crew Neck Green leaf heart organic cotton sweater

Men's Crew Neck Green Leaf Heart Sweatshirt

An organic cotton sweater from our Scientist and Philosopher range based on a Teemill image.

Everyone needs to start thinking and acting green. And that’s truly green because there is plenty of greenwash around at the moment. Products and actions that might be a little different to what was done before but that won’t make any difference in our disastrous effects on the planet, its biological diversity and the life support systems that keep it and ourselves alive. We are part of the diversity and we need to realise that and be teaching it to all children.

See how these products are made and how they can be returned and the material reused once they are worn out. Hopefully, this means a lighter load on the environment and on our natural resources. You can even send these items back to be made into new things when you have finished with them.

The sweater is available from our Teemill shop,

Men's Crew Neck Green Leaf Heart Sweatshirt
Men’s Crew Neck Green Leaf Heart Sweatshirt

Our Teemill organic cotton products are ethically, environmentally and ecologically produced. They are recyclable, sustainable, stylish, high quality fashion items.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton clothes and bags,

My author page where you can discover more about my books,

Our Etsy shop,

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