A dizzy Bee – an illustration from Busy Bee and the Silent Spring

In this illustration from Busy Bee and the Silent Spring one of the bees starts to feel very dizzy. The story is all about Bea and her friends who live in Old Oak Meadow trying to discover why all the inhabitants of the meadow are feeling unwell. This leads them to a bad farmer who is using banned pesticides. The story is written for the 8-12 year old reader and features a very special bee call Bea and many other creatures. The title is taken from the amazing Rachel Carson’s book and her fight against the agrochemical industry, the title of which is Silent Spring. I named the book in her honour.

It’s available globally on different Amazon websites and here are a couple of links https://www.amazon.co.uk/Busy-Silent-Spring-Paul-No%C3%ABl/dp/B088JFN1ZV/ and https://www.amazon.com/Busy-Silent-Spring-Paul-No%C3%ABl/dp/B088JFN1ZV/.

There are also T-shirts and long sleeve T-shirts available for children of the cover artwork with or without the book title, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/product/busy-bee-and-the-silent-spring-with-book-title-v1b-c/https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/product/busy-bee-and-the-silent-spring-with-book-title-long-sleeve-t-shirt/ and https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/product/silent-spring-cover-no-logo-no-titles-v1/.

Silent Spring cover with book title kids organic cotton T-shirt

See more of Alice Wrights’ wonderful art, https://www.hireanillustrator.com/i/portfolio/alice-wright/ or Instagram @alicewrightillustration or Facebook @alicewrightillustrates.

Our Teemill shop site for our organic cotton T-shirts and bags, https://junagarh-media.teemill.com/.

My author page where you can discover more about my books, https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B07D3ZTQ1L.

Our Etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JunagarhMedia.

This is our website for all our photography and my books, https://www.junagarhmedia.co.uk/.

We are also on Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/21104365@N06/.

Also on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/junagarh_media/.

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